Oleg Dou – Cubs

20 Jul

Curently exposed at the Senda gallery in Barcelona, Oleg Dou, an artist from Moscow, shows us his latest création: Cubs.

When he was 13 he received a computer with photoshop, so he tryed to make some fun with his friend pics. It became a passion, then in 2005 he started photography and the year after he has been spotted by Liza Fetissova. His main inspiration comes from the funeral portraits of children, curious tradition dating from the nineteenth century.

For the record, this series evokes the unease of Oleg as a child. In celebration he saw himself dressed in those ridiculous animal costumes made ​​by his mother.

He said: “I ​​could not pretend to be happy in front of the camera, I hated being photographed.”

The artist decided to recreate these portraits through the discomfort and embarrassment that he felt in his childhood. Oleg tells us that all the costumes have been designed by his mother.


Cubs 05 Oleg Dou : Cubs

Cubs 01 Oleg Dou : CubsCubs 02 Oleg Dou : CubsCubs 03 Oleg Dou : Cubs

Cubs 04 Oleg Dou : Cubs

Cubs 06 Oleg Dou : Cubs

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Cubs 08 Oleg Dou : Cubs

More about Oleg Dou here:

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